We care about where and how our products are made and we regularly review our suppliers to ensure we are a part of the most sustainable and ethical supply chain possible.
Our sweatshirts
Our sweatshirts are made with 80% ring spun cotton and 20% polyester and our supplier commits to fair and safe working practices throughout their supply chain. They recognise their responsibility to ensure the manufacturing methods used match the ideals of those that wear and love our products. They are made in a factory in Pakistan which is WRAP certified, Sedex registered, SMETA Audited and adheres to IOS 9001 standards. As well as meeting the criteria for these accreditations, their policy strictly prohibit forced, migrant and child labour and labour discrimination with thorough training for all employees. In addition to this, supplier evaluation programmes ensure policies are adhered to for any external supplier. The factory has a workers' committee, which holds free and fair representative elections, as well as operating an open door policy between all staff and senior management. All employees earn more than the legal minimum wage set by the Pakistan Government with any overtime paid at a premium and have additional benefits such as paid leave for religious events and a company maintained car/bike programme.
Our tees, long sleeved tees and minizip bags
Tees & Long sleeved Tees: Our signature Beanantees tees and longsleeved tees are made with 100% organic cotton.
Minizip bags: Our gorgeous minizip bags are made with 80% recycled cotton and 2-% polyester. The cutting of different pieces to make our products naturally produces scrap material. Since throwing this material away is out of the question, our suppliers have a partner who collects and recycles it into new cotton thread that we use in the manufacture of our bags.
All Beanantees t-shirts, longsleeved tees and minizip bags are manufactured in Bangladesh. Our supplier has a team of 19 who visit their five Bangladeshi factories every day to conduct regular checks. All factories are GOTS-certified and audited by the Fair Wear Foundation.
Fair Wear Foundation (FWF)
FWF trainers regularly organise WEPs Workplace Education Programs which we find effective in helping our partner factories to move towards more concrete achievements regarding social sustainability. We have invited three of our partner factories (Interstoff, Meghna and AusBangla) to initiate a WEP program in 2019 and to improve their understanding of it. Internally and externally we communicate extensively on our FWF membership, on media such as our website, Social media, our marketing publications and garment labels. At the earliest stage of a business relationship, Stanley/Stella is transparent with potential suppliers and is clear about its FWF member status. The motivation of potential suppliers is assessed during factory visits and discussions. Relevant FWF material is shared with potential sources such as the “Information needed for an FWF audit” (given in the local language).
As part of this membership our supplier ensures that all their factories comply with the Eight Pillars of the Fair Wear Foundation.
GOTS Certified Organic Cotton
All tees and longsleeved tees are made with with 100% organic cotton and are GOTS certified. Organic cotton is a natural, GMO-free fibre that uses less water than standard cotton. In addition, its production does not involve the use of chemicals (no fertilisers or pesticides) and encourages rotation of crops to keep soil healthier, more fertile and maintain humidity. Waste from the cotton ginning process is also recycled for the animal feed industry. GOTS is the Global Organic Textile Standard label. The strictest certification for textiles made from organic fibres. GOTS tracks the entire chain of production from farm to factory: from harvesting of the cotton, weaving of fibres, assembly of items, to the final product before embroidery, including even the export of our clothing!
GOTS also ensures compliance with the labour standards of the International Labour Organisation throughout the chain of production.
Factory Assessments
Our supplier also favours factories that propose innovative solutions like investing in good Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) and developing recycling programmes.
In addition to CSR and sustainability, key aspects of factory assessments are:
Strategic Considerations (country risk, supplier’s sourcing strategy)
Health & Safety (certification such as Oeko-Tex 100, Accord, REACH, RSL) Environmental (efficient water treatment plant, no hazardous chemicals, energy savings etc.)
Quality assurance (internal audits, tolerances, quality controls) Technical (technical specs, patterns, master samples, expertise & know-how, factory set-up)
Innovation (willingness to develop new products and new techniques)
Commercial (supplier's customer portfolio management, long-term relationship, commitments versus proven-track performance, development & communication responsiveness, delay penalties & quality compensation)
Financial (purchase prices, payment terms & conditions, financial stability)
Logistics & Planning (production lead time, shipment lead time, flexibility, Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs) etc.)
Legal (general purchase conditions, contracts, Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), quotas, trade & tariff regulations, anti-dumping, certifications, etc.)
Supplier Code of Conduct Our supplier has developed their own code of conduct which all partner factories must adhere to and are regularly monitored. They base code of conduct on the following principles.
- Prohibition of Child Labour ILO Conventions
Prohibition of Forced and compulsory Labour and Disciplinary Measures
Freedom of association
- Working Hours
- Compensation
Workplace Health and Safety
PETA Certification Our supplier is PETA certified. This means that they do not conduct or commission any animal tests on ingredients, formulations, or finished products and pledge never to do so. On top of this, their apparel is made from 100% vegan materials so you can be confident that no harm came to anyone during its creation.
Our totebags are made with organic cotton, Fair Wear Certified.
Embroidery and Screen Printing
All Beanantees are embroidered and screenprinted in the hills of Donegal.